Savory tart with zucchini and bacon (Tarte à la courgette et aux lardons)

Savory tart

Christmas is around the corner. We like to take this occasion to get together to celebrate a whole year of friendship and accomplishment before leaving for the end of year holidays. Apart from the formal company dinner, there are other gatherings that are informal between friends or members of the same group. And some cooking will be required.

For the Christmas party of my daughter’s playgroup, there will be a spectacle for the children and a buffet – which will be made up of dishes that every family will bring along. I decided to a simple savory tart with zucchini and bacon for the event. This tart can be eaten warm or cool, thus is suitable for buffet style meal. To make a complete meal on its own, serve it with a salad and some white wine.

Savory tart with zucchini and bacon

Ingredients (for making 1 tart in a 23cm baking plate):
1 piece of puff pastry sheet
2 zucchini
200g bacons
20g whipping cream
2 eggs
1 onion
1/2 tea-spoon of cumin and 1 tea-spoon of coriander powder
(or replace both with 1 soup-spoon of curry powder)

How to make a savory tart with zucchini and bacon:
1. Pre-heat the oven at 220°C.

2. Finely chop the onion into small bits, and the zucchini into slices of round pieces. With middle heat, warm up some butter and oil to pre-cook the onion and bacons (both in small pieces). After a few mintues, add in the zucchini, and stir-fry for another 5 mins.

3. In a large bowl, mix the eggs, whipping cream and spice powder of your choice, and a pinch of salt and some pepper.

4. Thinly spread some oil or melted butter to a baking plate, so that the pastry will not be attached. Unfold the puff pastry sheet onto the baking plate. Use a fork to poke some small holes to the bottom of the pastry sheet. Spread out the pre-cooked onion, zuchhini and bacon onto the plate, and pour in the liquid egg mix.

5. Place the plate into the oven at mid-level, and cook for about 30 mins.
